
The following information is provided for Adobe Connect reports:

Watch Video: Adobe Connect Reports

Log in to Adobe Connect to access reports

  1. Go to

  2. Sign in with your University of Waterloo credentials.

When logged in you will automatically be brought to the Home menu.

Report basics

About reports

A report is a written account of the things observed about an item, file, or conference. Only the creator of the report can view it unless they download the report and send it to their students or if they make their meeting information public. The reports can be given specific fields so the information on the report is restricted to those fields.

Report library

Reports can be created for content, courses, curriculums, virtual classrooms, meetings, learners, and system usage.

Viewed by: Each permission group can access different reports; depending on their built-in permission group.

Create a report

  1. Go to the Reports tab and select the option that best suits the item you want to report on. The options are content, course, curriculum, virtual classroom, meeting, learner, and system usage.

  2. Select the item for the report to be based on and click Next.

  3. In Specify Report Filter, you can choose which Adobe Connect groups are included in the report and what the date range of the report will be.

  4. In Add or Remove Report Fields, choose which fields will be displayed in the report. Each library in Adobe Connect has different fields available. The fields available are based on what functions are available for that item.

  5. When you are done choosing the filters and fields select Create Report.

  6. The report will show up on the screen.

Save a report

When on the report select Save Report and give it a title.

View a saved report:

To view a saved report; go to Reports tab, select Saved Queries, select the desired report, click Next, and Continue.

Edit a saved report:

To edit the filters, fields, and options; go to the Reports tab and select Saved Queries. Select the desired report, click Next, and Modify, then the instructor can change the filters, fields, and options.

Download a report

  1. When on the report select Download Report.

  2. Save it to the computer.

Instructors can also print a report by selecting Print.

Need help?

Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.

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