
The following information is provided for Adobe Connect content:

Log in to Adobe Connect to access content

  1. Go to

  2. Sign in with your 8-character username (e.g. j25rober) and password

When logged in, you will automatically be brought to the Home menu.

Content Basics

About content

Content is a file that has been uploaded to the Adobe Connect system. These files can be used in other items as requirements or added material. Content can be used in virtual classrooms, curriculums, and meetings.

Content library

All of the content is stored here for viewing purposes. Content can be added through the navigation bar; it can be organized and deleted this way also. The content and the folders they are in can be edited and permissions can be set to determine which users can view and edit these files or folders.

Shared Content has any content that has been put into this folder, for anyone to view.

User Content has a folder for each instructor or teaching assistant with content permissions and in these folders is their content.

My Content has all the content you have added.

A summary of the content is provided under Content Dashboard.

Viewed by: Administrators, Administrators-Limited, Training Managers, Meeting Hosts, and Authors.

Accepted files

Uploaded content files must be PDF, PPT (PowerPoint), PPTX (PowerPoint), SWF (FutureWave Software), HTML, ZIP, FLV (video), JPEG (image), GIF (image), PNG (image), mp3 (music), mp4 (video/music), or f4v (video/music).

Create content

  1. Go to the Content tab and select My Content.

  2. Select New Content, upload the content and give it a title. It is optional to give it a custom URL and a summary. When finished, select Save.

View content

To view content a user must have permission to view that content.

  1. Go to the Content tab; select Shared ContentUser Content, or My Content; and select the name of the desired content.

  2. Select the URL for the content to be displayed.

To download content:

  1. Go to the Content tab, navigate to, and select the name of the content that is to be downloaded.

  2. Click Download Content on the navigation bar.

  3. Under download source file(s), select the filename, and save the file on your computer.

Update content

View and edit content information:

  1. Go to the Content tab; select Shared ContentUser Content, or My Content; and select the name of the desired content.

  2. In the navigation bar select Content Information to view or Edit Information to edit.

  3. If the information has been edited, select Save.

Set permissions:

  1. Click the name of the desired content and select Set Permissions.

  2. Select Customize.

  3. The folder can be set as public or private.

  4. Other users can be given certain privileges by selecting their name and Add. Select an already added name and Permissions: if someone is set to Manage they can add and delete items or they can edit and set permissions for that folder, if someone is set to Publish they can add or delete items, if someone is set to View they can view the items in the folder, and if someone is Denied they cannot view the folder.

  5. An already added user can be deleted by selecting their name on the right and Remove.

Upload a new version of content:

  1. Go to the Content tab, navigate to, and select the name of the content.

  2. Select Upload Content in the navigation bar and Choose File.

  3. Once a file is selected select Save.

When content is replaced, it is not replaced in a course where the content was already added.

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Need help?

Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.

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