Basic workflow

Basic workflow

Log in to Adobe Connect before starting any tasks

  1. Go to summit.uwaterloo.ca.

  2. Sign in with your 8-character username (e.g. j25rober) and password

Once signed in, you will automatically be brought to the Home menu.

Edit your profile

My Profile is located in the top navigation bar. From this tab, you may view your profile, change your password, edit your preferences, view audio profiles, view audio providers and view organizations. Administrators can view their group memberships.

Search for an item

Anything in the system can be searched for by typing keywords into the search box at the top right of the screen and selecting Search. Any accessible items will show up in search results.


Folders can be added to any of the libraries to help organize items. Select New Folder, enter a name and optionally a summary, and then select Save. To edit a folder, select the name of the folder and Edit Information in the navigation bar.

Moving items

  1. Folders and items can be moved by selecting the checkbox beside them and Move. When folders are moved, everything in the folder is also moved.

  2. On the resulting screen, select the folder’s final destination, Move, and Ok.

  3. To move something up in the folder hierarchy: select the box beside the item and click Move.

  4. Select Up One Level in the resulting screen until the item is in the desired folder.

To move items to the shared folders

If you want an item to be seen by everyone put it in the Shared folder:

  1. Navigate to the item, select the box beside the item and select Move.

  2. In the new screen, select Shared Content (Shared Meetings or Shared Training) and Move.

Items can also be moved to user folders by repeating Step 1 and then selecting User Content (User Meetings or User Training) as the final destination.

To remove/delete an item

  1. Navigate to the item and select the box beside the item that is to be deleted.

  2. Select Delete.

Setting permissions for folders

  1. Navigate to and select the desired folder and select Set Permissions.

  2. The folder can be set to public or private viewing.

  3. Other users can be given certain privileges by selecting their name on the left and Add. Select an already added name and Permissions: if someone is set to Manage they can add and delete items or they can edit and set permissions for that folder, if someone is set to Publish they can add or delete items, if someone is set to View they can view the items in the folder, and if someone is set to Denied they do not have permissions for the folder.

  4. An already added user can be deleted by selecting their name on the right and Remove.

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