Configure Outlook 2019 or Outlook 365 for Mac

Configure Outlook 2019 or Outlook 365 for Mac

This guide provides instructions for how to add a Connect email account on Outlook, specifically Outlook 2016 on Mac devices.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open Outlook.

  2. Click on the Tools menu and choose Accounts.

  3. Click on the Exchange or Office 365 icon on the Add an Account dialog.

  4. Enter the following details: (Note: username is your 8 character max UWaterloo username, e.g. j25rober)

    1. Email Address: username@uwaterloo.ca (e.g. j25rober@uwaterloo.ca)

    2. DOMAIN\username or Email: username@uwaterloo.ca (e.g. j25rober@uwaterloo.ca).
      Note: the DOMAIN prefix isn’t required

    3. Password: your password


  5. Click Add Account.

  6. All settings should be discovered and completed automatically.

  7. Choose your new connect account, click on the settings icon and choose Default Account.

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