Cost-saving tips for smartphones when traveling abroad

Tips for using smartphones abroad





  • Know your service plan and use other means of communication which may be part of your plan or free to use (e.g. Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), BlackBerry PIN-to-PIN, voice calls, emails, etc.).

  • Properly close any application after use by clicking on the menu and selecting exit.

  • Enable WiFi mode (if available) and utilize free WiFi locations for surfing.

  • When in WiFi – ensure you have not lost the WiFi connection and have accidentally switched to regular cellular coverage. One recommendation is to turn off the cellular radio when in WiFi so your guaranteed no extra data fees.

  • Block data or internet from the server or network end e.g. global BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) policies.

  • Save unnecessary web surfing for a regular desktop/laptop.

  • Set up email filters to keep unwanted messages.

  • Download applications through your desktop software rather than Over the Air (OTA).

  • Use Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) surfing rather then full HyperText Markup Language (HTML) surfing.

  • Remove/hide built in icons/applications which offer pay services (e.g. iPhone applications store).

  • Ensure smaller or simpler applications are used which are lower data consummators (e.g Blackberry Maps uses 5 to 10 times less data than Google Maps).

  • Use basic Global Positioning System (GPS) and maps rather then services like TeleNav which will consume more data.

  • Limit the downloading of attachments like Microsoft Word or Excel files for important and time sensitive reasons only.

  • Choose "view only" rather then downloading a full attachment if that option is available.

  • Don't download any automatic updating programs (e.g., stock feeds, weather applications, etc.).

  • Don’t allow programs to run in the background that may use data (and will reduce batter life

  • Don't tether to a computer and use as a wireless modem (also referred to as Dial-Up Networking (DUN)).

  • Do not surf to streaming video sites (e.g. YouTube a rough/general rule of thumb is 1 minute of video equals 1MB of data).

  • Do not enable remote video viewing services/applications (e.g. Sling box).

  • Do not attach and send files from a device unless the attachment is residing on a remote server and you are just sending a command to send from the server rather then sending the whole document from the device (e.g. send via BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) rather than sending a "Documents to Go" file on the new Blackberry devices.

Tips to manage data costs while using a PC broadband access card or tethering smart phone





  • Turn on all spam filters for your email so you do not have to pay for looking at junk.

  • Turn on a filter to push "non-important" emails to a separate folder and check when return to Canada.

  • Only check your webmail as needed so as not to pay for the constant opening pages.

  • Limit use of the web to important reasons only.

  • Only turn on the data service when needed. Or only plug in PC access card when needed.

  • Ensure other applications are not trying to access the web (i.e., media player trying to download album graphics).

  • Turn on pop up blockers.

  • If comfortable, go into "Tools" > "Options" > set all settings to minimum and keep page views minimized.

  • Turn off all automatic updates for programs (i.e., Adobe, Windows, Norton etc.).

  • Do not attach files, pictures, items to emails when sending – wait until you are back in Canada.

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