


Manufacturing is an umbrella term used to describe the various processes that turn raw material into finished products that are used for any type of application [1]. Manufacturing is a critical part of almost every industry and is a field that is continuously improving as new advances are made in technology. Overall, there are dozens of distinct and separate types of manufacturing, each playing a distinct role in the industry. 

Categories of Manufacturing
Machining [2]Rapid Prototyping [3]

Image of a lathe.

Image of a part created by rapid prototyping.


[1] Kenton, Will, "Manufacturing," Investopedia. [Online]. Available: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/manufacturing.asp. [Accessed Mar 17, 2021]

[3] CanuckTools. [Online]. Available: https://canucktools.ca/king-14-x-40-gearhead-metal-lathe-kc-1440ml-6/. [Accessed Mar 18, 2021]

[2] "Rapid Prototyping," 3DSystems. [Online]. Available https://www.3dsystems.com/on-demand-manufacturing/fast-turn-prototyping. [Accessed Mar 18, 2021]

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