Rapid Prototyping
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What is Rapid Prototyping?
Rapid prototyping utilizes quick manufacturing methods to fabricate any type of part or component for either a prototype of a product in development or for a finalized design. It can be defined as a three-step process that involves design, testing, and reviewing [1]. There are various manufacturing processes that fall under the domain of rapid prototyping, with 3D Printing being one of the most common choices.
Types of Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing Processes
[1] “The Ultimate Guide to Rapid Prototyping for Product Development,” Formlabs. [Online]. Available: https://formlabs.com/blog/ultimate-guide-to-rapid-prototyping/
[2] T. Oppong, “Pros and Cons of Rapid Prototyping,” AllTopStartups, 04-Oct-2017. [Online]. Available: https://alltopstartups.com/2017/10/04/pros-and-cons-of-rapid-prototyping/.
[3] N. Shahrubudin, T. C. Lee, and R. Ramlan, “An Overview on 3D Printing Technology: Technological, Materials, and Applications,” Procedia Manufacturing, vol. 35, pp. 1286–1296, 2019.
[4] J. D., “MIT Engineers make a 10X Faster FDM 3D Printer!,” 3Dnatives, Dec. 06, 2017. https://www.3dnatives.com/en/mit-10x-faster-3d-printer-011220174/
[5] All3DPrint, “Stereolithography / SLA 3D Printing – Simply Explained,” All3DP, 01-Aug-2019. [Online]. Available: https://all3dp.com/2/stereolithography-3d-printing-simply-explained/#
[6] A. B. Varotsis, “Introduction to SLA 3D printing,” 3D Hubs. [Online]. Available: https://www.3dhubs.com/knowledge-base/introduction-sla-3d-printing/
[7] Dassault Systems, “3D Printing - Additive,” 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. [Online]. Available: https://make.3dexperience.3ds.com/processes/powder-bed-fusion
[8] C. Silbernagel, “Additive Manufacturing 101-5: What is powder bed fusion?,” Canada Makes, 10-May-2018. [Online]. Available: http://canadamakes.ca/what-is-powder-bed-fusion/.
[9] “DMLS Process Controls: Metal 3D Printing White Paper: Stratasys Direct,” Stratasys. [Online]. Available: https://www.stratasysdirect.com/resources/white-papers/metal-3d-printing-design-process-controls-dmls.
[10] L. Greguric, “What Is Material Jetting? – 3D Printing Simply Explained,” All3DP, 21-Mar-2019. [Online]. Available: https://all3dp.com/2/what-is-material-jetting-3d-printing-simply-explained/
[11] A. B. Varotsis, “Introduction to material jetting 3D printing,” 3D Hubs. [Online]. Available: https://www.3dhubs.com/knowledge-base/introduction-material-jetting-3d-printing/
[12] “Binder Jetting: Additive Manufacturing Research Group: Loughborough University,” Binder Jetting | Additive Manufacturing Research Group | Loughborough University. [Online]. Available: https://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/amrg/about/the7categoriesofadditivemanufacturing/binderjetting/
[13] A. B. Varotsis, “Introduction to binder jetting 3D printing,” 3D Hubs. [Online]. Available: https://www.3dhubs.com/knowledge-base/introduction-binder-jetting-3d-printing/#materials
[14] B. Obudho, “What Is a Laser Cutter? – Simply Explained,” All3DP, Aug. 31, 2019. https://all3dp.com/2/what-is-a-laser-cutter-simply-explained/.
[15] “Snowflake cutting in progress,” Yourlaser.co.uk, 2012. http://yourlaser.co.uk/equipment/Snowflake%20cutting%20in%20progress.jpg
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