Fastening and Joining

Fastening and Joining


Fasteners and weldments can be used to secure parts in different ways. Welding is a good way to permanently join materials, while fasteners can be used for temporary (or replaceable) joints.

Fastening and Joining

Fasteners [1]Weldments [2]

Image showcasing various fasteners.

Image of a weldment.


  1. Anonymous. "Why Fasteners are Important in Construction." Automated Fastening. https://automatedfastening.com/fasteners-important-construction/ (accessed Mar. 23, 2021).
  2. J. Grill. "Guide to Stainless Steel Welding." Weld Guru. https://weldguru.com/stainless-steel-welding/ (accessed Mar. 23, 2021).


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Lesley Lang 1208 days ago
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