Sync OneNote 2016 to OneDrive on MacOS

Sync OneNote 2016 to OneDrive on MacOS

This is a vital part in updating to Office365! You may not be able to recover your notebooks if you do not back them up! Please contact cecareq@uwaterloo.ca if you are updating to Office365.

Backup OneNote 2016 to OneDrive

  1. Open OneNote. Click File and then click Sync All Notebooks.

  2. If you monitor the status of the notebook, you should eventually see “Sync Complete” at the top of your screen, next to the notebook name.

 Creating a new notebook

  1. Click File and then click New Notebook.

  2. Name the notebook as you wish, but ensure the “Where” field is set to OneDrive.

To check if the backup worked, open a web browser and navigate to portal.office.com. Sign in and click OneNote. A list of your notebooks accessible through OneDrive should appear, including the ones you just backed up. Open one and ensure the data is correctly saved.

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