Adobe Presenter plug-in versions

Adobe Presenter plug-in versions

Adobe Presenter plug-in version 7

In version 7, you can record audio and publish it to Adobe Connect.

Record audio

  1. To record audio on Microsoft PowerPoint, go to the Adobe Presenter tab.

  2. Select Record in the menu bar.

  3. An audio tester will come up, speak to check if your input level is ok. Once it is, select OK.

  4. To select the slide you want to record audio on, select previous or next until you are on the correct slide.

  5. To start recording select the red circle button. To end the recording select the grey square that says Stop Recording.

  6. When you are finished recording on all slides, select OK.

Publish to Adobe Connect

To publish your presentation to Adobe Connect, you must have the required permissions. To receive these permissions, please contact ist-ac@uwaterloo.ca.

  1. If you have these permissions, you must be on the Adobe Presenter tab to publish.

  2. Select Publish in the menu bar.

  3. Make sure you are on the Adobe Connect Pro tab.

  4. In Server Configuration select Edit Servers.

  5. Click Add; give the server a name and for the URL enter summit.uwaterloo.ca, when done click OK, and OK again.

  6. To publish, select Publish.

  7. Adobe Connect will pop up on the screen and you will need to log on with your University of Waterloo credentials.

  8. Select Publish Now; when you are done select OK.

This presentation will be uploaded to the selected folder in the content tab on Adobe Connect.

Adobe Presenter plug-in version 8

In version 8, you can record audio and publish it to Adobe Connect.

Record audio

  1. To record audio on Microsoft PowerPoint, go to the Adobe Presenter tab.

  2. Select Record in the menu bar.

  3. An audio tester will come up, speak to check if your input level is okay. Once it is, select OK.

  4. To select the slide you want to record audio on, select the forward and back arrows until you are on the correct slide.

  5. To start recording, select the white circle button. To end the recording select the same button, now a white square.

  6. When you are finished recording on all slides, select Save.

Publish to Adobe Connect

To publish your presentation to Adobe Connect, you must have the required permissions. To receive these permissions, please contact ist-ac@uwaterloo.ca.

  1. If you have these permissions, you must be on the Adobe Presenter tab to publish.

  2. Select Publish in the menu bar.

  3. Make sure you are on the Adobe Connect tab.

  4. In Server Configuration select Edit Servers.

  5. Click Add; give the server a name and for the URL enter summit.uwaterloo.ca, when done click OK, and OK again.

  6. To publish, select Publish.

  7. Adobe Connect will pop up on the screen and you will need to log on with your University of Waterloo credentials.

  8. Select Publish Now; when you are done select OK.

This presentation will be uploaded to the selected folder in the content tab on Adobe Connect.

Adobe Presenter plug-in version 10

In version 10 you can record audio and publish to Adobe Connect.

Record audio

  1. To record audio on Microsoft PowerPoint, go to the Adobe Presenter tab.

  2. Select Record in the menu bar.

  3. An audio tester will come up, speak to check if your input level is okay. Once it is, the audio tester will turn green. Select OK.

  4. To select the slide you want to record audio on, select the forward and back arrows until you are on the correct slide.

  5. To start recording select the red button. To end the recording select the white square, to the right of the red button.

  6. When you are finished recording on all slides, select Save.

Publish to Adobe Connect

To publish your presentation to Adobe Connect, you must have the required permissions. To receive these permissions, please contact ist-ac@uwaterloo.ca.

  1. You must be on the Adobe Presenter tab to publish.

  2. Select Publish in the menu bar.

  3. Make sure you are on the Adobe Connect tab.

  4. In Server Configuration, select Edit Servers.

  5. Click Add; give the server a name and for the URL enter summit.uwaterloo.ca, when done click OK, and OK again.

  6. To publish, select Publish.

  7. Adobe Connect will pop up on the screen and you will need to log on with your University of Waterloo credentials.

  8. Select Publish to This Folder; give the content a name and a language, select NextFinishOkay, and Okay again.

This presentation will be uploaded to the selected folder in the content tab on Adobe Connect.

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