Arm Redesign

Arm Redesign

Problem Definition

  • The team develops a 6 axis robotic arm to fulfil the extreme delivery and the equipment servicing missions in the University Rover Challenge (URC)

  • The extreme delivery mission requires the robot to lift and transport payloads up to 5kg using a robotic arm, with the competition recommending a design safety factor capacity of 10kg

  • The equipment servicing mission involves performing dexterous task that brings up the criteria for high precision actuators and a robust end effector that can make use of different tools (e.g hex driver, solenoid indexer, etc.) to complete mission objectives


  • The actuator for the base axis has been designed below the specifications of our torque calculations for 5kg loading. With the desire to meet this competition requirement, we need to effectively justify all the considerations for redesigning to achieve it in this competition cycle We would like to validate the design of our system using a model based approach with SimulationX. This will allow us to make design changes guided by minimum and maximum values for parameters that will be observed while simulating the arm system to operate under practical competition conditions