W2023 Firmware Architecture

W2023 Firmware Architecture

Goal: Figure out a way to send commands from the Jetson to Cytron/other PWM motor controllers, via an intermediary system or other method, and read information back from those motor controllers (e.g: encoders on the motors).



  • Needs to be able to powered by the battery/another rail

  • Should be fast < 200ms response

  • Controllable via Jetson pinout

  • Needs to send commands over PWM

  • Should be able to read from it as well; not only write (in case of encoders)

Architecture decisions:

  • Decide on second board/module to use to use (e.g: nucleo or Adafruit 16-Channel I2C servo driver)

    • Nucleo:

      • Customizable

      • Hard real-time

      • Already have multiple boards in the bay

      • Familiar to firmware team

      • Extensible

      • Slowest to get working (freeRTOS, multiple threads, etc.)

    • Adafruit:

      • Has up to 12 PWM outputs

      • Has no customizable MCU; cannot write custom code, cannot read from encoders

      • Fastest to get working

    • Arduino:

      • Easy (libraries)

      • Fast to set up

  • Decide on which RTOS to use (freeRTOS cool w yall?)

    • HAL

  • Decide on which protocol to use to communicate from Jetson to nucleo if using nucleo; CAN or I2C?

Tasks to Allocate:

  • Create a new repository for firmware

  • Use STM32CubeIDE to set up the project with both freeRTOS and the STM32HAL; upload to the repository

  • Create ~4 threads running from functions in separate files such that work can continue concurrently

  • Create PWM code for basic control of current science mechansim motors

  • Create PWM code for basic control of gimbal servo + gimbal slip ring motor

  • ODrive wiring for arm

  • Create code for reading and writing data over /CAN; assume the data coming from the Jetson over I2C/CAN is a struct such as the following:
    -> Gimbal servo desired location (0 to 360 deg)
    -> Gimbal slip ring desired location (0 to 360 deg)
    -> Science mechanism fan speed
    -> Science mechanism drill speed
    -> Science mechanism pulley speed