Move-It Sync Up
Keyon Jerome
Austin Huang
Meshva Desai
Purpose of this meeting is to develop an approach towards integrating Move-It
Questions to Answer
How does a user send commands to Move-It? Does Move-It handle this natively or do we need to create it ourselves
I.e. if we wanted to go to certain arm configurations or set certain control speeds for the arm, how would this happen?
How important are mass properties in the URDF? (For collision detection and general IK stuff)
Do we want to use just the IK solver or also the path planner?
A) Both for the time being to get a platform working. Once we have a moving arm, we can develop our own path planner to better suit our needs if necessary
Can we use a physically controller to interface with MoveIt and control a gazebo/rviz sim?
A) yes.
What controller do we want to use? Xbox as a starting point → will likely be janky and hard to control but a starting point is a starting point
Next Steps
Generate a simple URDF
Get a good URDF up and running once mass issue is resolved
Go through URDF and SRDF tutorials for MoveIt
Add safety limits to velocity in URDF and SRDF stuff
Need proper values at some point for physical arm
Integrate with Ros2 control
Try building it in Gazebo and sending direction commands to control URDF
Arm Team - First Pass Thoughts
Probably need two members (ideally 3)
Led by Keyon
Meshva planning to continue working on Arm
2 additional students
Probably need two members (ideally 3)