Problems with other fuses
One Shot fuses - Contains a piece of wire which melts when there is a fault so that the flow of electricity stops
- Based on melting of a metal link
- Must be replaced after a single high current even
Resettable fuses - Heat up and transition from a low resistance state to a high resistance state during a fault. They can be reset by removing power
- Not good at maintaining voltage levels
- Not the quickest at responding to faults
- Only prevents against overcurrent
- Degrades after each fault
eFuses - Limit circuit currents, voltages to safe levels during fault conditions
eFuses provide greater protection to faults than traditional fuses.
- Protects against:
- Inrush current
- Overcurrent
- Overvoltage
- Reverse current
- Reverse polarity
- Short circuit faults
eFuse pinout:
- Customizable fault time and current limit
- CT: Capacitor to ground sets fault time
- ISET: Resistor to ground sets current limit
More information:
, multiple selections available,