Webex Meetings
Installing Webex Meetings | Schedule a meeting | Assign roles | Breakout rooms
Installing Webex Meetings
The desktop app for Webex can be installed from the University website. As of version 39.10, the Webex Meetings desktop app no longer includes integrations with Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Office, or other applications. When you install the latest version of the Webex Meetings desktop app, any previous versions of those integrations will be uninstalled. Optionally, to install those integrations, download Cisco Webex Productivity Tools.
Step 1: The Cisco Webex installer
Click the blue Download button under "Cisco Webex Meetings desktop app".
Webexapp.msi will be installed on your computer. Run this installer to complete the installation.
Step 2 (Optional): Integration with Outlook via Cisco Webex productivity tools
Integration with Outlook allows for Webex meetings to be scheduled within the Outlook app. If it is necessary to have Cisco Webex integrated into the Microsoft Office desktop app, the following steps apply:
Log out of / close Outlook and the rest of Microsoft Office.
Click the blue Download button under "Cisco Webex Productivity Tools".
webexplugin.msi will be installed on your computer. Run this installer.
Open / log in to Outlook or the rest of Microsoft Office.
The ability to schedule a Webex meeting will be visible in the calendar view in the top toolbar.
Schedule a meeting
Schedule a meeting using the desktop application
Open the "Cisco Webex Meetings" desktop app. Depending on how the program was installed, it may run automatically upon starting the computer. Otherwise, click the Cisco Webex Meetings icon located on the desktop.
Click "Start a meeting" if you want to begin a meeting immediately. Otherwise, click "Schedule" to schedule one for later.
A browser tab will open to the Webex dashboard. On the left there is a menu:
If a copy of the meeting invitation is desired, click Preferences then at the top of the page click Scheduling. Ensure the checkbox beside Email invitation is checked.
To schedule a meeting, click Meetings on the left menu.
fill out the form with all the information necessary for the meeting such as the title, meeting password and list of attendee's email adresses.
Click the dropdown arrow beside Date and Time to open a calendar pop-up. The duration, time and date of the meeting can be chosen here.
Enter the email addresses of attendees in the field beside "Attendees" in order to send an automatic invitation to those listed.
Click the "Start" button at the bottom of the page to make the meeting information final.
Schedule a meeting using an internet browser
Visit the Webex website and sign in using your userid@uwaterloo.ca email.
The URL underneath your personal room "https://uwaterloo.webex.com/meet/youruserid" is what you share to invite people to your Webex meeting.
Click "Start a meeting" if you want to begin a meeting immediately. Otherwise, click "Schedule a meeting" to schedule one for later.
After clicking "Schedule a meeting", fill out the form with all the information necessary for the meeting such as the title, meeting password and list of attendee's email adresses.
Click the dropdown arrow beside Date and Time to open a calendar pop-up. The duration, time and date of the meeting can be chosen here.
Enter the email addresses of attendees in the field beside "Attendees" in order to send an automatic invitation to those listed.
Click the "Start" button at the bottom of the page to make the meeting information final.
Assign roles
Assign a Cohost or alternate Host
Only Cohosts and Hosts have the ability to assign Cohost or Host privileges to an attendee.
During a Webex meeting, mouse over the name of the attendee that one wants to assign a role to inside of the participants panel.
Right click the name of the attendee in the participants panel.
Click Assign as Cohost or Assign as Host to give the attendee Cohost or Host privileges respectively.
Assign a presenter
In a Webex meeting, any attendee can make themselves presenter or assign anyone presenter status.
During a Webex meeting, mouse over the profile picture of the attendee that one wants to assign presenter to inside of the participants panel.
A popup will appear saying "Make this person the presenter" or "Make me the presenter" depending on whether you are hovering over your own picture or another attendee's picture. Click the profile picture.
The attendee will have a small presenter symbol in the corner of their profile picture in the participants panel.
Presenters cannot be sent to the lobby, and there can only be one presenter active at a given time. If it is necessary to send a presenter to the lobby, simply re-assign the presenter status to any attendee who is not going to go to the lobby.
Breakout rooms
Only Hosts and Cohosts are able to create breakout rooms.
While in a meeting, click Breakout Sessions at the top of the screen. Click Enable Breakout Sessions from the drop down.
Choose the number of breakout rooms and whether the selection will be automatic or manual
Automatic: Attendees are automatically divided amongst the chosen number of rooms.
Manual: The Host or Cohost can choose who goes into which rooms, and how many people are in each of the rooms.
A Breakout Sessions button will now be visible at the bottom of the screen. Click this button to review the breakout rooms and move attendees into or out of them.
Clicking again on Breakout Sessions at the top of the screen and selecting Enable Breakout Sessions from the drop down once more allows for breakout rooms to be disabled.
Sending to the lobby
Only Hosts and Cohosts are able to send attendees to the lobby.
In order to be sent to the lobby, an attendee cannot be a presenter. If the desired attendee is a presenter, have them give presenter status to another person in the meeting or have the host or cohost click on their own profile picture in the participant's panel.
When hovering over a profile picture in the participant's panel, the words Make presenter should be visible. Click, and presenter status will transfer to this new person.
As a Host or Cohost, right click the name of an attendee (who is not presenter) and click Send to lobby in the dropdown.
To return an attendee that is in the lobby to the main meeting, click the new Admit button at the top of the participant's panel.
Issues or Concerns? Contact the Science Computing Helpdesk.