Configuring an email client
Configuring an email client
Client configuration for Office 365 accounts
Client configurations for Office 365 accounts can be found on Office.com. Your email address will be youruserid@uwaterloo.ca; your userid will be youruserid and your password will be your WatIAM password.
Client configuration for Connect (Exchange) accounts
Connect email was migrated to Office 365 in Fall 2020. Adding a Connect account to a phone or email client usually happened automatically. Appropriate settings are shown below:
Type of account: (Microsoft) Exchange
Name: Your name (e.g. Joe Smith)
Email address: yourWatIAMuserid@uwaterloo.ca
Userid: yourWatIAMuserid
Password: YourWatIAMpassword
Server: connect.uwaterloo.ca
For assistance with Connect, please contact the Science Computing Helpdesk.