Add a Ricoh Network Printer in Mac:

This article provides a detailed guide on how to add a Ricoh network printer to your Mac. Setting up a network printer can be challenging, but with our clear and concise instructions, you'll have your Ricoh printer up and running in no time.

Step-by-step guide


  1. Download and Install Ricoh driver first, go to this page IM C3010/C3510 Downloads | Ricoh Global and select the Mac OS for your OS version,  end then click on Download ( link.

  2. Open System Settings

  3. Click on Print & Scanners

  4. Select Add Printer, Scanner, or Fax…

  5. Click on the Globe IP tab in the Print Browser window.

  6. Make sure to fill in the following information:

  7. Address, enter the name of the printer you want to add (The format for protocol, name, use, domain as follows)
    -For eg:

  8. Protocol: Line Printer Daemon – LPD

  9. Name: “name of the printer”

  10. Use: expand Use tab and Select Software
    -Search up for RICOH driver and click OK.

  11. Click Add

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