Comparison of Qualtrics Online Surveys, Microsoft Forms, and WCMS Web forms

Comparison of Qualtrics Online Surveys, Microsoft Forms, and WCMS Web forms

Not sure which platform to use to create a survey?

See the comparison table below to choose what you need based on your needs:

For help to create a form in Microsoft 365, please refer to Introduction to Microsoft Forms.
For help to create a Qualtrics survey, please refer to Qualtrics’s Knowledge Base article- Creating a Project.
For help creating a WCMS Web form, please refer to Create and manage Web forms

Comparison of survey tools



Microsoft Forms


WCMS Web Form


Microsoft Forms


WCMS Web Form

What it is?

Microsoft Forms is an app included with an Microsoft 365 account. It allows you to easily and quickly create custom forms such as surveys, questionnaires, and quizzes.

Qualtrics is a professional online survey tool that allows one to build & distribute surveys, and analyze the results. 

The WCMS Web form is a content type that allows users to create forms within their WCMS website. To access the Web form content type, a WCMS user must have the Form Editor role, Form Results Access role, or both roles added to their account. Online training is available and highly recommended as it covers not only how to create forms, but also security and privacy requirements. Note: WCMS for Content Maintainers is a pre-requisite.

When to use?

  • When you quickly need a simple survey or quiz

  • When you are surveying a small audience

  • Handle registration for a small event

  • Collect basic feedback for an event


  • When you will be collecting, filtering, and processing large amounts of data

  • When you need to be able to apply specific rules when a user completes a survey

  • When you are surveying medium to large groups.

  • When you want to create a Web form on your WCMS website.

  • For simple surveys (e.g. registration for an event or workshop).

  • When you want to include conditionals and or validation rules.

  • When you want to send an email once the form is submitted.

Control over who can fill in the survey or form

Full control over who can fill in the survey, form and restrictions can be applied to limit number of responses per person.

Full control over who can fill in the survey or form, and the number of times they can do so.

Full control over who can fill in the Web form, and the number of times they can do so. Note: Authentication is required.


You can choose to make the survey/form anonymous, but by doing so you give up control over who can complete the survey and you can not limit them to complete it only once

Full anonymity with the ability to limit who can complete the survey and how many times.

Full anonymity available for non-authenticated forms via Form settings.


Not suitable for holding formal votes. For elections and referendums please refer to Web Voting information

Suitable for holding formal votes. Web Voting is recommended for votes but doesn't always provide the structure or options that you may want.

Not suitable for holding formal votes. For elections and referendums please refer to Web Voting information.

Learning curve

Very intuitive.

Small learning curve for simple surveys. Advanced features and reporting quite complex.

There is a learning curve if new to the WCMS. We recommend taking WCMS Web Form Creation (offered via LEARN) to learn all about creating forms, email configurations, and privacy and security restrictions. Note: WCMS for Content Maintainers is a pre-requisite.

Alternative to WCMS forms

This is a good alternative if you don't have authorization/permission to create a WCMS form.

Not a good alternative to WCMS forms given the complexity and knowledge of Qualtrics needed when a simple form is required.

This is a WCMS Web Form.

Analysing the results

Fine for basic analysis of the results.

Allows for extensive analysis of the results. Some types require additional add-ons, which may not be available in our license (such as Stat IQ)

Fine for basic analysis of the results.

Export results to Excel




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