Forward UW email to your personal email address

Forward UW email to your personal email address

  1. Login to a UW desktop and open the Outlook desktop app by clicking the Start button at the bottom left, search for Outlook, and open the Outlook app.

  2. At the top, select the Home tab, then select Rules > Manage Rules & Alerts.


    If you don’t see Rules, look for and click the triple-dots (…) at the far-right.

  3. Select New Rule.

  4. Under Start from a blank rule, select Apply rule on messages I receive. Select Next

  5. Under Which condition(s) do you want to check?

    1. Do not check any of the boxes and just click Next.

    2. In the popup window that opens, select Yes to “This rule will be applied to every message you receive.”

  6. Under What do you want to do with the message?

    1. For Step 1: Select action(s), select redirect it to people or public group and stop processing more rules. See screenshot below.

    2. For Step 2: Edit the rule description, select the people or public group link. See screenshot below.

  7. In the Rule Address window that opens, enter the email address you want your UW emails to go to in the To field and select OK.

  8. Select Finish, select Apply, and then select OK.

Your UW emails will now automatically be sent to the email address you entered in the To field.