Booking a CW Meeting Room

Booking a CW Meeting Room

NOTE: As of June 2020, meeting rooms are to be reserved/booked through the Outlook calendar. You can reserve a meeting room itself and/or reserve a meeting room along with attendees.

  1. Open Outlook.

  2. Switch to your Calendar.

  3. Click New Meeting.

  4. In the window that opens:

    1. Enter a title for the meeting.

    2. Enter the names or email addresses of the Required or Optional attendees, if necessary.

    3. Set the Start Date and time.

    4. Set the End Date and time.

    5. Click Location to search for a meeting room.

    6. In the window that opens, type “cw” in the Search field and a list of the Campus Wellness meeting rooms will appear.


    7. Double-click the room you wish to book and click OK. This will add the room to the Location and the Required Attendees for the meeting.


    8. Click Send.

    9. Once sent, Outlook will send you a confirmation email.


IMPORTANT: If the room you chose is already booked at that date/time, the confirmation email will say Rejected. In this case, you’ll need to change the room in your meeting.