Style inserted and deleted text

Style inserted and deleted text

Deleted text and inserted text can be used to markup updates and modifications in a document. Browsers will normally strike a line through deleted text and underline inserted text.

Add markup for Deleted text

  1. Create or configure the intended Copy text block.

  2. Select the text you want to mark as deleted text.    

  3. Select the Styles icon in the editing toolbar.

    Screenshot of Styles icon in editing toolbar
  4. Under Inline Styles, select Deleted text.    

  5. The phrase or sentence you selected will now be changed to Deleted text style.

    Screenshot of Deleted text style
  6. Select Add block. (Or Update if it’s a pre-existing block).

  7. Select state from the Change to: drop-down menu.

  8. Select Save layout.

Add markup for Inserted text

  1. Create or configure the intended Copy text block.

  2. Select the text you want to mark as inserted text.    

  3. Select the Styles icon in the toolbar.

  4. Under Inline Styles, select Inserted text

  5. The phrase or sentence you selected will now be changed to Inserted text style.

  6. Select Add block. (Or Update if it’s a pre-existing block).

  7. Select state from the Change to: drop-down menu.

  8. Select Save layout.

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