UWaterloo Scholar How-to documents
Scholar is currently unavailable. We hope to have an update soon.
What is UWaterloo Scholar?
The University of Waterloo is using OpenScholar, an open source software solution built on Drupal, to provide dynamic and customizable personal websites for Waterloo faculty, researchers, graduate students and retired faculty members.
Faculty and researcher personal sites are offered on a self-serve basis and are built using the WatIAM userid of the faculty member or researcher.
A request must be submitted to delete or remove UWaterloo Scholar sites.
Manage your site
If you receive an “Access denied” message when trying to view content, such as News or Events, ensure you have the application enabled by following the steps in Manage apps.
Create content
Import publications
Publications can be imported to your UWaterloo Scholar site. The listed research sites are supported; however, as long as a file can be downloaded in an accepted file format, it should be able to be imported.
Accepted file formats: bibtext, Endnote tagged, Endnote XML, MARC, PubMed ID List and PubMed XML.
Delete publications
There is an option to permanently delete all publications on your Scholar site, allowing you to re-import a new list of publications.
Caution! This will delete ALL publications on your site, which includes publications that were manually entered.