Scholar: How to create and manage Taxonomies
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Taxonomy is the practice of classifying content. Taxonomy gives your sites use of the organizational keywords known in other systems as categories or tags. It allows you to connect, relate and classify your website’s content.
In UWaterloo Scholar, these terms are gathered within “vocabularies.” The Taxonomy module allows you to create, manage and apply those vocabularies.
Taxonomy: The system for categorizing your website’s content
Vocabulary: A group of terms, i.e., Events
Term: A single word or phrase to describe the content, i.e., Conference
Create a vocabulary
Hover (don't click) mouse over menu item Build.
Select Taxonomy.
Select +Add vocabulary.
Enter a Name (required) and a Description (optional).
Select which Content types this vocabulary can be used to organize.
Select Required if every post created in the selected content type must be categorized in this vocabulary.
Select a Type for this vocabulary.
Managed vocabularies must have all terms created in advance.
Tags style vocabularies allow all terms to be created on the fly by any user creating or editing a post.
Select a Form element type to control how the vocabulary is displayed on the content type. The options are:
Select list
Check boxes / Radio buttons
Select the Max number of terms per post to control how many vocabulary terms can be applied to a single post.
Set the URL path settings for this vocabulary.
Check Generate automatic URL alias to allow UWaterloo Scholar to create a URL pathway based on the Name of the vocabulary.
Uncheck Generate automatic URL alias to create a custom URL pathway under URL alias.
Add terms to a vocabulary
Managed vocabulary
On the Taxonomy page select add terms next to the Vocabulary you wish to edit.
Enter a term Name (required).
Enter a Description (optional).
Set the URL path settings for this vocabulary.
Check Generate automatic URL alias to allow UWaterloo Scholar to create a URL pathway based on the Name of the vocabulary.
Uncheck Generate automatic URL alias to create a custom URL pathway under URL alias.
Select Save. You will see a created new term notification along the top of the page.
Now when you create content, your vocabulary terms will be available to classify your content.
Tags style vocabulary
From the Administration bar under Content, select the content type that that the vocabulary was designated for, e.g., Event.
Scroll down to the Vocabularies field.
Start typing your tags. Make sure to separate different tags with a comma.
If you start typing a tag you previously created in this vocabulary, it will appear in a drop down menu.
Save your content.
Taxonomy display
Tags be can be visible to or hidden from your users. To change the visibility of your tags:
Select Settings from the Administration bar.
Under Taxonomy check Display terms under content to make your tags visible to users. Uncheck this box to hide your tags from users.
Select Save.