Scholar: How to add a Page

Pages can be created on your site and placed in the main menu or accessed through other content.

  1. Hover (don't click) your mouse above the Content menu toolbar.

  2. Under Add, click Page. If you are missing the Page app, your site owner will need to add this app to your site.

  3. Add a Title (required).

  4. Add text into the Body field (optional).

  5. To attach files, click Upload or drag and drop files into the shaded box. Hover your mouse above the question mark icon to see the allowed file extensions, as well as the maximum allowed file size.

  6. Under Publishing options, ensure Published to this site is checked if you are ready to publish, or unchecked if you want it to remain as a draft. Select Sticky at top of lists if you want this page to stay at the top of page section of your site.

  7. Under URL path settings leave Generate automatic URL alias if you want the system to automatically create a URL alias for this page. Uncheck the box if you wish to enter a custom alias.

  8. Under Menu settings you have the option of adding this page to the main menu.

  9. Under Post Created/Edited by you can change who posted the page by editing the name in the box under Posted by. You can also edit the date the page was posted on in the Posted on box. By default the current date and time is used.

  10. The Search Engine Optimization field is optional and is where you can enter meta data that will help search engines find content on your page. Scholar automatically pulls in data from the page, however you can customize the data in the Meta description field.

  11. Click Save.