Formatting an image in a Copy text block

After inserting images in a Copy text Block, you may want to align or resize them to better integrate with your Web page content.

  1. Insert the desired image following the Adding images to body content steps.

  2. In the Layout tab, hover over the pencil icon and select Configure next to the block you want to format the picture in.

    Screenshot of options that appear when hovering over Pencil icon
  3. Select the Edit media button on the left-hand side of the image, then a pop-up window will appear.

    Screenshot of Edit media button
  4. Select left, centre, or right alignment depending on how you would like the image to display.

  5. The height and width of the image can also be updated to better fit within the copy text content. If only the width or height is entered and the image will scale itself automatically.

  6. Select Save.

  7. Select Add block (or Update if it is an existing copy text block).

  8. Select Save layout.