Abbreviation tags

Abbreviation tags can be used to provide abbreviations or short forms of an element. When the user hovers over the abbreviation, the full text is displayed as a pop-up text.

How to use Abbreviation tags

  1. Select the Source button in the top left corner of the text editing window. The text editing window is now displaying the HTML code for your page.

  2. Insert the abbreviation tags where necessary.     

    1. For example, to make an abbreviation tag for the acronym UK, find "UK" in the source code.

    2. Insert the opening tag to the left of the acronym and the end tag after the acronym,
      <abbr title="United Kingdom">UK </abbr>

    3. Ensure that the title appears in quotation marks.

  3. Find all the acronyms you wish to use the abbreviation tag for, and complete steps 6(a) through 6(c).

  4. When finished, select Add block (or Update if this is a pre-existing Block).

  5. Select a state from the Change to: drop-down menu.

  6. Select Save layout.