Project Arm


  • The objective of the project


  • At least 4 DOF
  • 5 kg payload carrying performance (static and dynamic torque)
  • No motor overheat
  • Ability to move freely in 3D space
  • At least able to reach a workspace area
  • Control mode
    • User direct input through the joystick
    • Given two points in space and move
  • ROS 2 package for advanced motion planning
  • camera feedback for the operator to view


  • On-going discussion: the current arm spec is way under the calculation(Need to re-evaluate the current situation)
    • The software will not be able to integrate the ARM(mech side) soon (software tightened timeline)
  • The integration and the next step of development might be to try out and re-evaluate and then make limited improvement
    • Impact: need to evaluate the performance and establish constraints based on the observation

Nice to have:

  • Able to switch end effector and accomplish the competition requirement action
  • For carrying mission offload payload to a storage area and transport


  • User command input:
    • joystick
    • Position control input
  • Output:
    • User camera feed

Design validation discussion

  • Arm system road blocker
    • Communication with Austin on the way
    • Need to consult with people with more realization about the system
    • Company (anoop's help?)

Architecture: (will be updated after motor respec and system reevaluation)

Insert mechanical model picture here(if possible)

Insert a system diagram:

  • Main electrical components
  • High-level software controller
  • introduce how each part interact with each other

Insert a software sequence diagram:


  • define major milestone(decouple all the parts)
  • three stage
    • design
    • MVP
    • cleanup
  • Demonstration date
  • Link to subteam tasks lists and assignee document

Risk mitigation

SubtasksStatusImpact evaluationalternative solutionMax allowance time


??? the impact have not been understood


HIGH will affect multiple system functionality

MEDIUM will affect one or two low-priority system

LOW does not affect the rest of the system

  • plan A
    • advantage:
    • disadvantage:
    • cost
    • Required time:


Item NameStatusCostreferencing document
Insert the product name here





  • datasheet
  • user manual

Update & Action Items

MemberUpdateAction Items

New Tasks

General Notes

Project ownership(person to contact)

Name of the person (Onsite/ Remote)