Controller Yaml File
The final thing to do is to specify which controller is required for your application.
A ros2_control_node in the controller_manager package is given a controller.yaml file which specifies the controllers that you will be using. For the drivetrain, a joint_state_broadcaster as well as a differential_drivetrain_controller (diff_drive_controller — ROS2_Control: Rolling Feb 2025 documentation ) are desired.
Thus, the config yaml file passed to the ros2_control_node looks as follows (differential_drive_train explained below).
update_rate: 100 # Hz
type: joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster
type: diff_drive_controller/DiffDriveController
left_wheel_names: [ "left_front_wheel_joint", "left_middle_wheel_joint", "left_back_wheel_joint" ]
right_wheel_names: [ "right_front_wheel_joint", "right_middle_wheel_joint", "right_back_wheel_joint" ]
# Should match values defined in uwrt_mars_rover_drivetrain_description's generated urdf
wheel_separation: 0.997 # wheelbase_length = chassis_width + wheel_width
wheels_per_side: 3
wheel_radius: 0.15
wheel_separation_multiplier: 1.0
left_wheel_radius_multiplier: 1.0
right_wheel_radius_multiplier: 1.0
odom_frame_id: odom
base_frame_id: base_link
pose_covariance_diagonal: [ 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.01 ]
twist_covariance_diagonal: [ 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.01 ]
publish_rate: 50.0
enable_odom_tf: true
open_loop: false # If true, integrates vel_cmd to estimate odom, else uses wheel feedback to compute odom
position_feedback: true # If true, uses position state_interface for odom calculations, else use velocity state interface
# TODO: this setting doesnt really make sense to me to tie both odom pose and twist calculations to either use position or
# velocity. It makes most sense to optimally use position for the pose calculation and velocity for the twist calculation...
# as done in
# Relevant Discussion:
cmd_vel_timeout: 0.2 # seconds. min cmd_vel publish rate is 5Hz
publish_limited_velocity: true
use_stamped_vel: false # FIXME (npalmar): chaneg back to true
velocity_rolling_window_size: 10
# Velocity and acceleration limits
# Whenever a min_* is unspecified, default to -max_*
has_velocity_limits: false
has_acceleration_limits: false
has_jerk_limits: false
# max_velocity: 1.0
# max_acceleration: 1.0
# max_jerk: 0.0
has_velocity_limits: false
has_acceleration_limits: false
has_jerk_limits: false
# max_velocity: 1.0
# max_acceleration: 1.0
# max_jerk: 0.0
The differential drive train controller config specifies the names of the joints that are required by the controller, the actual size of the drivetrain (wheel radius, wheel separation, etc). A more detailed explanation on params can be found here: ros2_controllers/diff_drive_controller/src/diff_drive_controller_parameter.yaml at master · ros-controls/ros2_controllers .