Downloading SOLIDWORKS

Downloading SOLIDWORKS

General Info

Here are the number of activations on each serial number:  30

  • SolidWorks CAD serial number: contact @Saheed Quadri , @Yu-Ming He or @Yuchen Lin

This serial number will expire July 31, 2026.

Once you have a serial number, you are permitted to share with other mechanical members on the team. Please do not share these serial numbers with non-team members. Ask a lead before sharing to a non mechanical sub-team member as we have a limited number of licenses.


If you have any questions or issues dm me! @Saheed Quadri


Before installing the new version of SOLIDWORKS, please uninstall all previous SOLIDWORKS versions and review the System Requirements.

Please follow the instructions below to download the product:

  • Go to: www.solidworks.com/SEK and complete the form (first name, last name email address, select “student team” on dropdown)

  • Under product information

    • Select Yes ( I already have a serial number)

    • Choose 2024 version

If you do not activate the license, you will only receive a 30-day license.  Please give this serial number out to team members only.

Installation and activation instructions are here:  www.solidworks.com/installation_instructions

If for any reason you have a problem with the software installation, please go here www.solidworks.com/studentsupport.

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