Software Challenge

Software Challenge


Here it is. The final challenge. Once you've finished this challenge and the software leads are satisfied with it, we'll start assigning you software tasks to tackle. Please feel free to ask for help!! 

  1. Create a folder called software_training_assignment
  2. Install the turtlesim package(hint: you shouldn't be downloading any source code from github. You should be using a package manager).
  3. The software challengehttps://github.com/niiquaye/uwrt_software_trainining 
  4. Create a .gitignore file so that only relevant files are committed. The point of this is to avoid committing all of your IDE specific configuration files, swap files, etc.
  5. Create a fork of the https://github.com/uwrobotics/software_challenge and push your package to your fork. Make a pr to the original and message the team lead with the link. The root directory of the repo should only contain your package folder.