Completing Assignments

Completing Assignments

Answering assignment questions

There are a variety of question types in Mobius from Multiple Choice and True/False to Numeric and Mathematical Formula.

The Mobius-how-to-input-math pdf page describes how to type math expressions, special constant values like Pi and e, common mathematical function names (trig, roots etc) and matrices to answer Mobius questions.

This page shows the default Text Mode or keyboard input form. In some questions you will also have the option of using Symbol Mode input which allows you to build a math expression by selecting math symbols and math forms (e.g. fraction form) from a collection of symbols.

Whichever format you use, click the Preview link next to the answer box to see how Mobius understands your answer before grading. The Preview link is a magnifying glass icon located beside the answer input field.

If you also see an icon with the math summation sign or Σ then you can choose between Text Mode and Symbol Mode input.

For numeric questions, there is a Number Help link that appears when you click in the Number answer box. It will tell you what number formats are allowed or not allowed and what scientific notation looks like e.g. 11 is 1.1E1. Use this link, like the Preview link in math formula questions, to check you are using the right number format.

Some information about the format or accuracy of a number can only be given in the question or by your instructor running the assignment. Read the assignment question carefully and be sure you know how to answer the following questions:


how many decimal digits (digits to the right of the decimal point) should my answer use?

Carrying through digits

in a multistep problem should I carry through all digits until the final answer and then round or round at each step?


should I use a $ or % sign or not in my answer?


should I express a percent rate as a decimal or a percentage value? For example, rounded to 2 decimal digits, should I express 16 2/3 percent as 16.67 or as .17?

Submitting, grading and getting feedback from an assignment

Mobius assignments are graded automatically when you submit an assignment. Usually, you can immediately see your grade, which answers were right or wrong and view question solutions. Your instructor has control over the amount of feedback you receive and when it is available.

Results from View Grade and View Details buttons:



Quit & Save

closes the assignment browser window

View Grade

shows the assignment score; appears after submission

View Details

shows your answer, your question score and the correct answer (for each question); appears after submission

Take advantage of the immediate grading and feedback provided by Mobius to compare your answers to the question solutions. If your answer was wrong, think through all the steps and assumptions you made then redo the problem, being careful with the calculations. If you don't find the weakness in your answer then compare it to the solution. Look for new information or different assumptions in the solution compared to your answer. Even if your answer was correct, the solution might take a different approach to the problem that you can learn from.

If the assignment has been set up to allow for multiple attempts, try the assignment again. You may or may not see the same questions in your next attempt, but try to apply what you have learned from your previous attempts.


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