Campus directory

Campus directory

The online campus directory (known as WatIAM) contains contact information about members of the campus community (students, faculty and staff).

Every member of the University of Waterloo community has a unique user ID (the UW user ID) listed in WatIAM. There is a password associated with each WatIAM entry. This password is used to access institutional services on campus (Quest, HRinfo, etc.). You should also use your WatIAM password to update your personal information in WatIAM.

WatIAM and email

Email forwarding service

  • WatIAM provides an email forwarding service (not an actual email account).

  • Email sent to your uwuserid@uwaterloo.ca is forwarded to the email account that you specify in the WatIAM email field.

  • Official email correspondence will be addressed to UW userids, so it is important that the WatIAM email field is completed and directs mail to a reliable location.

  • It is recommended that you put your on-campus email address in WatIAM and check mail regularly on that account.

  • Email forwarding is affected by your choice regarding publishing of your information in WatIAM (see the next section).

  • Mail sent through the WatIAM forwarding services is processed to remove spam, viruses and executable attachments. There is also a 10 MB size limit on messages sent through the forwarding service.

Suppressing display of your WatIAM information

  • When you edit your WatIAM information, there is an option whether or not to hide your information. Some information stored in WatIAM is never published under any circumstances: birth dates, student and employee numbers, etc.

  • Choosing the "hide" option through the Update your Profile link in WatIAM prevents others from finding your name, address and other contact information in WatIAM.

  • A user who chooses "hide" will not have access to UW wireless and their mail forwarding service will be disabled.

  • If you do not want this information published or you want to "unhide" your information from WatIAM you will need to contact the Registrar's Office.

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