Access dates for LEARN courses
Class Roster updates
Students are loaded into your course as soon as the course is created. However, students can only access the course between the Start Date and End Date set for your course.
Class rosters are updated daily at 7:30 am, 11:40 am, 4:40 pm, 8:40 pm, and 12:40 am to account for changes to enrollment in Quest.
Start Date and End Date
By default, the Start Date is set to the official first day of classes of that term, and the End Date is set to the first day of classes of the following term (e.g., for Winter 2024, the start date was January 8 at 12:00 a.m. and the end date was May 6 at 12:00 a.m.).
While this is the default setting, instructors may elect to release courses prior to, or later than, the first day of classes. To request an early release or extension, please contact
To check what the Start Date and End Date are currently set to, click Course Admin in the navigation and choose Course Offering Information.
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