Course-specific Microsoft Teams
In general, it is a good idea for each course to have its own Microsoft Team. The Team name should match the course code (e.g. ECE 106, MTE 484). This provides the following capabilities:
A dedicated chat channel that can serve for both ongoing text chats as well as a location to hold video meetings.
A Sharepoint file storage location that can be used for files that need to be shared with TAs or students. (Note: Primary copies of documentation, including manuals and other course content, should not be stored in the course-specific Team, but rather in the ECE Lab Instructors Sharepoint area.)
Creation of Microsoft Team
The creation of a course-specific Microsoft Team can be requested from IST here:
Ownership and Membership
Lab Instructors should be listed as Owners within the Team. This enables Lab Instructors to add and remove TAs from the membership list.
TAs should be listed as Members and in general should not be set as Owners for the Team.
Course Instructors are generally listed as Owners within the Team, when they wish to use the Team. Some Course Instructors will not use the course-specific Microsoft Team and therefore will not be a member of the Team.