Instructions for Making Orders - OLD

Instructions for Making Orders - OLD

This document is split up into the following sections:

  1. General Important Order Information (Must be read)
    1. Definitions
    2. COVID-19 Order Updates
    3. General Notes for Orders
  2. WEEF, EngSoc, and SciSoc Orders
    1. WEEF
    2. EngSoc
    3. SciSoc
  3. Steps to Make Orders Individually (Reimbursement Requests)
    1. Notes for These Types of Orders
    2. Digi-Key
    3. McMaster-Carr
    4. On Campus Purchases
    5. Local Orders
    6. Amazon & Other Online Orders
  4. Making Orders Through Procurement (Order Requests)
    1. Notes for These Types of Orders
    2. Digi-Key
    3. McMaster-Carr
    4. On Campus Purchases
    5. Local Orders
    6. Amazon & Other Online Orders

General Important Order Information


  • Procurement: The university will order the parts, and take the money directly from the team account
  • Reimbursement: You will pay for the order yourself, then the university will reimburse you with money from the team account


  • Procurements not allowed during lockdown!
  • Reimbursement requests can be made, but the money will not be sent out until after lockdown is lifted
  • Please do not leave anything in Paula’s tray (ex: receipts, Expense Claim Forms). She is working from home and will not receive them
  • If you’re ever confused about anything in this document, send Vanessa a message on Discord and we’ll clear it up!

General other important notes for orders: 

  • Any purchase under $50.00 CAD cannot be sent through procurement  and must be made individually with a reimbursement request made.
  • Any single item purchases made using team funds which are $500.00 or more must also be approved by the team Faculty Advisor rather than just the finance lead and team lead.
  • All reimbursement requests submitted for orders made with a credit card MUST include a bank statement showing the person’s name and card number which matches what the receipt for the order shows.
  • All equipment purchased must be CSA approved, or else a $600 expense would be required to get it approved (and that wouldn’t be worth it at all).

WEEF, EngSoc, and SciSoc Ordering


Reimbursement format: purchase the item, then submit receipt for WEEF to issue a cheque

WEEF sponsorships are available for 2 years (ex: items granted S2020 are available until end of S2022)

  1. To see how much money is still available for spending/term and what you can spend it on, go to the following document: Internal Funding Spreadsheet
  2. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  3. Send an email to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the following format:
    1. Subject: 

      Reimbursement Request - WEEF Order for UW Robotics Design Team

      Email text:

      *Insert name of item* reimbursement from *the term the sponsorship was granted*- UWRobotics Team

      I, *Insert your name*, certify that all expenditures in this claim adhere to the University's policies, were incurred by me for University purposes, and have not been/will not be reimbursed from another source.

      *Insert your name*

  4. Fill in the following Fillable Expense Claim Form and attach the following documents
  5. Expense Claim Form
  6. The official receipt/documentation for the order with the following info:
    1. The name and address of the seller, including their GST Registration number, as applicable.
    2. The transaction date.
    3. The goods and services purchased, including such details as item description, quantity, price, additional charges and taxes, as applicable.
    4. In the case of an original invoice, the buyers name must be included.
    5. Method of payment (ex: credit card, Paypal)
  7. If a credit card was used, the credit card statement must be provided that shows the transaction along with your name and card number.


Reimbursement format: purchase the item, then submit receipt for EngSoc to issue a cheque

EngSoc sponsorships are available for 1 year (ex: items granted S2020 are available until end of S2021)

  1. To see how much money is still available for spending/term and what you can spend it on, go to the following document: Internal Funding Spreadsheet
  2. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  3. Fill out Sponsorship Claim Form
  4. Send an email to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the following format:
    1. Subject: 

      Reimbursement Request - EngSoc Order for UW Robotics Design Team

      Email text:

      *Insert name of item* reimbursement from *insert the term the sponsorship was granted*

      I, *Insert your name*, certify that all expenditures in this claim adhere to the University's policies, were incurred by me for University purposes, and have not been/will not be reimbursed from another source.

      *Insert your name*

  5. Attach the following
    1. Sponsorship Claim Form
    2. The official receipt/documentation for the order with the following info:
      1. The name and address of the seller, including their GST Registration number, as applicable.
      2. The transaction date.
      3. The goods and services purchased, including such details as item description, quantity, price, additional charges and taxes, as applicable.
      4. In the case of an original invoice, the buyers name must be included.
      5. Method of payment (ex: credit card, Paypal)
    3. If a credit card was used, the credit card statement must be provided that shows the transaction along with your name and card number.


Operated on a reimbursement format: purchase the item, then submit receipt for SciSoc to issue a cheque

F2020 sponsorships are available until Apr 30, 2021

  1. To see how much money is still available for spending/term and what you can spend it on, go to the following document: Internal Funding Spreadsheet (check box in upper-right corner)
  2. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  3. BEFORE PURCHASING: Send the order summary (or invoice if possible) and expense claim form to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the following information included in the email:
    1. Subject: 

      Reimbursement Request - SciSoc Order for UWRobotics Design Team

      Email text:

      *Insert name of item* reimbursement from *the term the sponsorship was granted*- UWRobotics Team

      Total price is *insert total price*

      *Insert your name*

    2. Only proceed with Step 5 and make the order after you have received a confirmation email from the finance lead
  4. Fill in the following SciSoc Expense Claim Form and attach the following documents:
    1. Expense Claim Form
    2. Include the statement “I, *Insert your name*, certify that all expenditures in this claim adhere to the University's policies, were incurred by me for University purposes, and have not been/will not be reimbursed from another source"
  5. An itemized, original paid receipt for the order must be included. Also include the following, if applicable:
      1. For airfare/ public transportation, original boarding passes, travel itineraries, and receipts are required
        1. Air travel is only allowed on economy class
      2. Kijiji/ Facebook purchases should include actual advertisement and conversation finalizing the payment
      3. Receipts for gift cards, gift baskets, or items given in good gesture must include recipients’ name, address, phone number, and email address
      4. Proof of payment (debit/ credit receipt)
        1. If a credit card was used, the credit card statement must be provided that shows the transaction along with your name and card number.
        2. If cash was used, include itemized receipt

Steps to Make Orders Individually (and get reimbursed)

Note 1: If there are customs, or other unforeseen fees after you make an order, refill the Fillable Expense Claim Form with the new correct order amount. Reply to the uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com email for your order, describe the additional fees incurred, and state the monetary change in order amount. You will receive an email confirming the changes have been made.

Note 2: If you would like to get reimbursed with direct deposit, you must submit your bank info in Quest and when filling out an expense claim form, write “DEPOSIT TO BANK ACCOUNT” on the form, otherwise you will receive a cheque.


  1. Go to www.digikey.ca and create a cart (no need to login).
  2. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  3. Go to your cart and under Cart Tools, click on “Cart Share” and copy the link.
  4. Send an email to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the following email template:
    1. Subject: 

      Reimbursement Request - Digikey Order for *Insert Subteam Name Here* Subteam

      Email text:

      The link to the Digikey cart is: *Insert Link Here*


      The total for this order is *Insert Order Total Here*

      This order was requested on *Insert Date Here*

      *Insert Your Name Here* 

    2. Once you get a confirmation email, you may go ahead with the order, not before!
  5. Fill in the following Fillable Expense Claim Form and reply to the confirmation email and the following documents attached:
    1. Expense Claim Form
    2. The official receipt/documentation for the order with the following info:
      1. The name and address of the seller, including their GST Registration number, as applicable.
      2. The transaction date.
      3. The goods and services purchased, including such details as item description, quantity, price, additional charges and taxes, as applicable.
      4. In the case of an original invoice, the buyers name must be included.
      5. Method of payment (ex: credit card, Paypal)
    3. If a credit card was used, the credit card statement must be provided that shows the transaction along with your name and card number
    4. Include the statement “I, (team member name), certify that all expenditures in this claim adhere to the University’s policies, were incurred by me for University purposes, and have not been/ will not be reimbursed from another source”

McMaster Carr

  1. Go to www.mcmaster.com and create an order (no need to login)
  2. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  3. Go to your order and click “Send” to send the cart to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the following template:
    1. Subject: 

      Reimbursement Request - McMaster Carr Order for *Insert Subteam Name Here* Subteam

      Email text:

      The link to the McMaster Carr cart is: *Insert Link Here*


      The total for this order is *Insert Order Total Here*

      This order was requested on *Insert Date Here*

      *Insert Your Name Here*

    2. Once you get a confirmation email, you may go ahead with the order, not before!
  4. Fill in the following Fillable Expense Claim Form and reply to the confirmation email with the following documents attached:
    1. Expense Claim Form
    2. The official receipt/documentation for the order with the following info:
      1. The name and address of the seller, including their GST Registration number, as applicable.
      2. The transaction date.
      3. The goods and services purchased, including such details as item description, quantity, price, additional charges and taxes, as applicable.
      4. In the case of an original invoice, the buyers name must be included.
      5. Method of payment (ex: credit card, Paypal)
    3. If a credit card was used, the credit card statement must be provided that shows the transaction along with your name and card number.
    4. Include the statement “I, (team member name), certify that all expenditures in this claim adhere to the University’s policies, were incurred by me for University purposes, and have not been/ will not be reimbursed from another source”

If in person, staple the receipt, and expense claim form together and place it in its respective bin in the bay. 

On Campus Purchases

* Message the finance lead on Discord first if you wish to make one of these orders

  1. If you would like to buy something from a store on campus for the team, fill in the following Fillable On Campus Store Authorization Form.
  2. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  3. Send the form in an email to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the following email template:
    1. Subject:

      On Campus Reimbursement Request for *Insert Subteam Name Here* Subteam

      Email Text:

      This order was requested on *Insert Date Here*

      *Insert Your Name Here*

    2. Once you receive a confirmation email, you may go out and purchase what you requested, not before! Make sure to get a receipt.
  4. Scan the receipt and reply to the confirmation email with the receipt attached and the following email template:
    1. Email Text:

      This purchase was made on *Insert Date Here*

      I, (team member name), certify that all expenditures in this claim adhere to the University’s policies, were incurred by me for University purposes, and have not been/ will not be reimbursed from another source

      *Insert name here*

  5. Fill in the following Fillable Expense Claim Form. Staple the receipt and expense claim form together and place it in its respective bin in the bay. Ensure that the following information is visible on the receipt/documentation you provide with the expense claim form:
    1. The name and address of the seller, including their GST Registration number, as applicable
    2. The transaction date.
    3. The goods and services purchased, including such details as item description, quantity, price, additional charges and taxes, as applicable.
    4. The method of payment (ex: credit card, cash)
    5. If a credit card was used, the credit card statement must be provided that shows the transaction along with your name and card number.
    6. In the case of an original invoice, the buyer’s name must be included.

Local Orders 

  1. Check if the item can be purchased from one of the vendors in the following document: System Contract List of Vendors. If yes, use this process. If not, use the process for Amazon & Other Online Orders.
  2. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  3. Send an email to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the quote/invoice attached and the following email template:
    1. Subject:

      Reimbursement Request - Local Order for *Insert Subteam Name Here* Subteam

      Email Text:

      This order was requested on *Insert Date Here*

      *Insert Your Name Here* 

    2. Once you get a confirmation email, you may go ahead with the order, not before!
  4. Fill in the following Fillable Expense Claim Form and reply to the confirmation email with the following documents attached:
    1. Expense Claim Form
    2. The official receipt/documentation for the order with the following info:
      1. The name and address of the seller, including their GST Registration number, as applicable.
      2. The transaction date.
      3. The goods and services purchased, including such details as item description, quantity, price, additional charges and taxes, as applicable.
      4. In the case of an original invoice, the buyers name must be included.
      5. Method of payment (ex: credit card, Paypal)
    3. If a credit card was used, the credit card statement must be provided that shows the transaction along with your name and card number.
    4. Include the statement “I, (team member name), certify that all expenditures in this claim adhere to the University’s policies, were incurred by me for University purposes, and have not been/ will not be reimbursed from another source”

Amazon & Other Online Orders (use if items can’t be purchased locally)

  1. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  2. Send an email to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the invoice/quote attached and the following email template:
    1. Subject:

      Reimbursement Request - *Insert Company Name Here, e.g. Amazon* Order for *Insert Subteam Name Here* Subteam

      Email Text:

      This order was requested on *Insert Date Here*

      *Insert Your Name Here* 

    2. Once you get a confirmation email, you may go ahead with the order, not before!
  3. Fill in the following Fillable Expense Claim Form and reply to the confirmation email with the following documents attached:
    1. Expense Claim Form
    2. The official receipt/documentation for the order with the following info:
      1. The name and address of the seller, including their GST Registration number, as applicable.
      2. The transaction date.
      3. The goods and services purchased, including such details as item description, quantity, price, additional charges and taxes, as applicable.
      4. In the case of an original invoice, the buyers name must be included.
      5. Method of payment (ex: credit card, Paypal)
    3. If a credit card was used, the credit card statement must be provided that shows the transaction along with your name and card number.
    4. Include the statement “I, (team member name), certify that all expenditures in this claim adhere to the University’s policies, were incurred by me for University purposes, and have not been/ will not be reimbursed from another source”

Making orders through procurement

Notes for These Types of Orders

No notes as of right now.


  1. Go to www.digikey.ca and create a cart (no need to login)
  2. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  3. Go to your cart and under Cart Tools, click on “Cart Share” and copy the link.
  4. Send an email to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the following email template:
    1. Subject: 

      Digikey Procurement Order Request for *Insert Subteam Name Here* Subteam

      Email text:

      The link to the Digikey cart is: *Insert Link Here*

      This order was requested on *Insert Date Here*

      There are *insert number* items in the cart, and the total cost is *insert number* CAD

      *Insert Your Name Here*

McMaster Carr

  1. Go to www.mcmaster.com and create an order (no need to login)
  2. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  3. Go to your order and click “Send”
  4. From the website, send an email to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the following template:
    1. Subject: 

      McMaster Carr Procurement Order Request for *Insert Subteam Name Here* Subteam


      UW Robotics Team - *Insert Your Name Here*

      This order is for the *Insert Subteam Name Here* Subteam

      There are *insert number* items in the cart, and the total cost is *insert number* CAD

On Campus Purchases

* Message the finance lead on Discord first if you wish to make one of these orders

  1. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  2. Fill in the following Fillable On Campus Store Authorization Form if you would like to buy something from a store on campus for the team.
  3. Send the form in an email to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the following email template:
    1. Subject:

      On Campus Procurement Order for *Insert Subteam Name Here* Subteam

      Email Text:

      This order was requested on *Insert Date Here*

      *Insert Your Name Here*

  4. Once you receive a confirmation email, you may go out and purchase what you requested, not before! Make sure to say the order should be charged to the UW Robotics Team in the Sedra Student Design Centre. Also, make sure to get a receipt.
  5. Scan the receipt and reply to the confirmation email with the receipt attached and the following email template:
    1. Email Text:

      This purchase was made on *Insert Date Here*

  6. Go and submit the receipt to Paula Petrie in E5 2104. She will have the on campus store authorization form you previously filled in to confirm your order with you.

Local Orders

  1. Check if item can be purchased from one of the vendors in the following document: System Contract List of Vendors. If not, use process for Amazon & Other Online Orders
  2. Fill out the following System Contract Requisition Form for your order:
  3. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  4. Send an email to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the system requisition form and purchase authorization form attached and the following email template:
    1. Subject:

      Local Procurement Order for *Insert Subteam Name Here* Subteam

      Email Text:

      This order was requested on *Insert Date Here*

      *Insert Your Name Here*

Amazon & Other Online Orders (use if items can’t be purchased locally)

  1. For online orders not on Amazon, ignore step 2
  2. Go to www.amazon.ca and sign in with following login info:
    1. Email: uwaterloorobotics@gmail.com
    2. Password: MrR0b0t0
  3. Create a cart
  4. Fill in the Local Finance Tracker document for your order.
  5. If there is no invoice, please fill in a copy of the Purchase Order Spreadsheet renamed to “DD-MM-YY-Subteam Name-Online-Order” with the order info (follow the instructions given on the spreadsheet). Check if the vendor can be paid through procurement via credit card. If yes, all you need to put in the spreadsheet is a link to the cart.
  6. Send an email to uwaterloorobotics.finance@gmail.com with the purchase authorization form. Also include the invoice (if applicable), and the Purchase Order Spreadsheet (if there is no invoice). Follow the following template:
    1. Subject:

      *Insert Company Name Here, e.g. Amazon* Procurement Order Request in Cart for *Insert Subteam Name Here* Subteam

      Email Text:

      This order was requested on *Insert Date Here*

      There are *insert number* items in the cart, and the total cost is *insert number* CAD

      *Insert Your Name Here*

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