Publications how-to documents (WCMS 2)

Publications how-to documents (WCMS 2)

What is a Publication site?

Publications is a Waterloo Content Management System (WCMS) mobile-friendly, responsive template specifically designed for digital versions of University of Waterloo publications including:

  • Newsletters

  • Reports

  • Magazines

Publication websites are built using Drupal (WCMS), and while they look quite different, the content maintainer interface is similar to regular WCMS websites. 

See other WCMS publication sites and the guidelines for use.

Where to begin

  1. Create a Publication issue.

  2. Configure your Publication site details.

  3. Start populating your site with content.

  4. When you are ready for a new Publication issue, review how to archive a Publication issue.

Supported content types

Other content types

Looking for more content types? Check out which content types are available for each site template. 

Content not supported

Site footer

While visible and accessible on the Publication site, Site footers are not supported in this site theme. You are not able to display a specific site footer as you can on a standard website. This may be confusing and misleading, but we are unable to disable it from the site build, and are currently unable to 'hide' it from the content creation list.

Sidebar complimentary content

Sidebar complementary content area is not supported in web pages.

Promotional items

While visible and accessible on the Publication site, Promotional items are not supported in this site theme. This is due to sidebar complimentary content area not being supported in web pages.

Embedded content types

  • Embedded Facts and figures, Embedded Timelines, and Embedded Call to Actions (CTA) are not supported in the publication theme. Embedded CTAs are available to access on your site, but are not properly supported and we would recommend not using them.

  • Facebook and Twitter widgets can be embedded into body content, however, this will only show the display name and not the actual widget.

Expandable/collapsible template

Expandable/collapsible template is not supported.

Known issues

  • Anchor links can only be clicked once; they do not lead to anchor after first click.

  • Nested publication article:

    • No draft state available to view.

    • If no listing page image added, “Feature image” displays at top of nested article.

  • Issue names with commas break the home page.

  • MathJax is not supported.

  • A Publication issue and a Publication category can share the same name as long as the Publication issue is created first.

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