Create a Publication issue
How to create a Publication Issue
Site managers will need to create a Publication Issue before Publication articles can be created by Content maintainers. The Publication issue is the name of the current Publication. All Publication articles belonging to that issue must be tagged with this current issue name in order to display on the home page of that issue. Publication Issues can be added to the main menu.
Create a Publication Issue
Click on Dashboard in the Administration bar.
Under Vocabularies, select Publication Issue.
Click on +Add term.
Enter a Machine name. Please note:
A unique machine-readable name. The path will be issues/{machine_name}.
Articles will have the path of {machine_name}/{category_name}/{article_name}.
Can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.
Underscores will be converted to hyphens.
A Publication issue and a Publication category can share the same name as long as the Publication issue is created first.
Enter a Name for the Publication Issue.
Enter a Volume (optional). Note: Publication Volumes must first be created in Vocabularies.
Enter the Issue Number. Note: Must be a numerical value, i.e. 1.
Enter a Description of this Publication issue. Note: If this issue is archived in the future, this information will display on the Archived listing page.
Enter a Publish On date. Note: You must enter a date that has passed for this issue to display on the Archives page. If you enter a future date, the issue will automatically self-publish on that date.
Upload a Cover Photo for this issue. Note: If this issue is archived in the future, this information will display on the Archived listing page.
Add an Issue to the main menu
When on the issue term edit page, expand Menu Settings link and check the Provide a menu link box and save.