Export/download Web form results (WCMS 2)

How to export/download Web form results

When assigned the Form results access role people can log in to the site to export or download form submissions using the Results tab. See Web form tabs (and who can access them) for more details.

Exported results from authenticated Web forms can now automatically pull information from SourceAPI. For example, first name, last name, email, username etc. can automatically by included in Web form results.

  1. From the Results tab click the Download sub-tab.

  2. Choose the Export format.

    1. For Microsoft Excel

      1. Set the Column header format.

        1. Label = human-readable

        2. Field Key = machine-readable

    2. For Delimited text

      1. Set the Delimited text format.

      2. Set the Column header format.

        1. Label = human-readable

        2. Field Key = machine-readable

  3. Set the Select list options (optional)

    1. Set Select keys (data)

      1. Full, human readable options (value)

      2. Short, raw options (keys)

    2. Set Select list format (how data will display)

  4. Select the Included export components.
    Note: Include all components is selected by default which will include information automaticlly collected by SourceAPI. Data will only be generated from SourceAPI for authenticated web forms.

  5. Set Download range options.

  • All submissions.

  • New since last download.

  • Latest number of submissions.

  • Submissions starting from a submission ID and (optionally) ending at a submission ID.

  • Submission starting from a date and (optionally) ending at a date.

  1. Click Download button.