

Archived web pages are treated as if they were in a recycle bin. Archived web pages will not appear to site visitors and will not be accessed by search engines. The web page is not removed from the site and can be accessed later on when it is needed again. Site managers will have the option to permanently delete any web page that is archived.

Archiving a web page

  1. From the administration bar, select Workbench, and then select My Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the Content list panel and select the web page you would like to archive.

  3. Select the Edit tab.

    Screenshot of edit tab
  4. Navigate to the Change to: drop-down menu, and select Archived.

    Screenshot of Change to drop-down menu
  5. Select Save.

Note: Archived web pages can be viewed in My Dashboard under the Content list panel. Archived webpages should be manually removed from the site hierarchy so that any content contained underneath will move one level up. When you archive an item its children will have changed paths the next time they are saved. Archiving a parent web page will not automatically archive its children.

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