Custom listing page

You can use the Profile list (manual) content type to display selected profiles in different areas on your WCMS 3 site.

Create a Profile list

  1. From the administration bar, select Workbench, and then select My Dashboard.

  2. Select a content page (eg. Web page) from the Content list or create a new page from Content types.

  3. On the content page, select Layout.

  4. Select + Add section if applicable, then select + Add block.

  5. Select Profile list (manual).

    Profile list screenshot
  6. Add a Title. The title will appear as a block header unless Display title is unselected.

  7. Choose whether to display the Profile title.

  8. Choose whether to display the Profile image.

  9. Begin typing the name of a profile, then select it from the autocomplete to include it in the listing.

    Screenshot of Profiles listing
  10. If desired, select Add profile and repeat step 9 to add another profile.

  11. Select Add block (Or Update if it’s a pre-existing Profile list Block).

  12. Select state from the Change to: drop-down menu.

  13. Select Save layout.