DRY LAB - Carry Out the Testing
DRY LAB - Carry Out the Testing
Due Date: Aug 16, 2022
Contributor Log
Name | Contribution |
Laboratory experiment
Technical document writing
Task Description
Test the dry lab according to the procedure created in order to gather data including:
what indicates each result
how does the amount of chemical/sample affect the result
To find the optimal testing combination
Document the gathered information in a very well-maintained manner
Task Breakdown
Prepare chemicals, samples, and equipment required to be used during the lab test
perform dry lab testing for the different conditions:
what indicates the presence of organic matter
How different organic materials give different results
How does the amount of chemicals and sample affect the test result
Document the result and any other useful data.
Testing procedure document completed: DRY LAB - Create Drylab Testing Procedure
Progress Journal
Example: Aug 16, 2022 @Austin Tailon Huang (Deactivated) (date and name)
a brief update on what's done and what are the next steps, photos and images, and videos are preferred
Relevant Documentation Links
<Testing procedure document>
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