Student fee bills

Student fee bills

What appears on my Quest account bill?

Student fees are billed to your student account one term at a time.

Student fees include tuition fees, and a variety of approved optional and compulsory incidental fees (non-tuition fees). If you are staying in a campus residence, the cost of the residence (and meal plan, if applicable) will also be charged to your student account. Exception: the residence fees for students staying at St. Paul's University College or Conrad Grebel University College are billed directly by that institution and must be paid to them directly.

How are fees charged to my account?

Your student account will be charged one term at a time for tuition and incidental (non-tuition) fees, and residence and meal plan charges, as applicable. A term is a particular 4-month period:

  • Fall Term – September to December;

  • Winter Term – January to April;

  • Spring Term – May to August.

Will my textbook fees be charged on Quest as well?

The fees for textbooks, class notes, mandatory supplies, certain accommodation or other costs associated with field trips, or other miscellaneous expenses, are not billed to your student account.

How often should I check my account?

You are responsible for reviewing your account every week or two to ensure all charges are as expected, all payments have been received and all balances are paid.

Changes to your student account after the due date resulting in a balance owing are payable immediately. Please pay the additional charges as soon as possible. Any updates resulting in a credit balance on your student account, may be refunded later in the term.

How can I produce a bill invoice for myself?

You can email a bill statement to yourself through the following instructions:

  1. Sign in to Quest.

  2. Select the Finances tile.

  3. Select the desired term.

  4. The account summary will display. It is important that you read the instructions on the screen. For example, use the E-mail my Bill button to receive a PDF statement of your account.

  5. Enter your email address and select the SEND button.

  6. The system will return an email sent confirmation message.


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