Self-host a defence on Webex
Please log on to the Webex app with your WatIAM credentials, especially if you are the one hosting the meeting.
It is important to do a test meeting a few days prior to the defence to address any technical issues that may arise. Also, please review and implement the tips to ensure the defence will run smoothly.
You can watch a video walkthrough of Webex.
You only have to set up Webex once on your computer. If you have previously set it up, skip to the next section.
Download the Webex installer.
Run the installer and follow the instructions in the installation wizard.
Enter your WatIAM username followed by "" (e.g.,
Enter "" and "Next".
Log in with your WatIAM credentials.
Open your browser and go to:
Click on "Sign In" and log in with your WatIAM credentials.
On the left-pane, click on "Preferences".
On the "General" tab, set to the following:
Scroll down and "Save".
On the "Audio and Video" tab, set to the following:
Scroll down and "Save".
On the "Scheduling" tab, set to the following:
Scroll down and "Save".
Go to: (sign in, if not already).
Click on "Schedule a meeting".
Ensure the "Meeting type" field is set to "Webex Meetings Pro 1000" and enter the meeting topic.
For the "Date and time", enter the date and time of the defence (be sure to check "am" or "pm"), and set the duration. To avoid confusion, ensure the "Time Zone" is set to "Eastern Time".
On the "Attendees" field, enter the email addresses of the candidate, committee members, and chair. If this is a PhD defence, please also add the ENV Graduate Studies Administrator (Shoshannah Holdom - so she has the meeting link.
Optionally, you can assign committee members and/or the chair as cohost by clicking on the human icon next to the person's name. This is useful in case you encounter technical issues, so the co-host can help troubleshoot or start/continue the meeting without you. You can also assign someone a co-host role during the meeting. Do not assign the co-host role to the candidate, as you can not move a co-host into the waiting room.
Click on "Show advanced options". Under "Scheduling options", ensure that they are set to the following:
Click on "Schedule".
After clicking on "Schedule" in the previous step, Webex automatically sends the event invite to you and those listed on the "Attendees" field.
In addition to the event invite, you should also receive an email with subject line that starts with "(Forward to others) Webex meeting invitation...". You can forward this email to the guests.
On the Webex app, click on "Start". Alternatively, open the meeting link on your browser and it should ask you to open the meeting on the Webex app.
Ensure "Audio" is set to "Use computer audio", unmute, and start video. Then, click on "Start Meeting".
Familiarize yourself with the interface:
Instruct the candidate to share their PowerPoint by clicking on the "Share", select the PowerPoint, and "Share". Alternatively, select the first one on the top left (e.g., "Screen 1").
Before the deliberation, ask all the guests to leave the meeting. You can remove any remaining guests by going to the "Participants" pane, right-click on their name, and then "Expel".
To move the candidate to the lobby, right-click on their name, and "Move to Lobby". Then, click "Yes". When prompted to confirm to move the lobby, click "Yes". While in the lobby, the candidate can not see or hear the main meeting. You can now begin the deliberation.
After a decision has been made, you can "Admit" the candidate back into the main meeting.
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If you have technical issues, Please submit a request to the ETIS Jira Queue. If you need help after hours or on the weekends, contact IST Service Desk.