Exporting Data from Vevox

Vevox allows you to analyze overall participation as well as aggregate results on individual questions within the Vevox Dashboard. However, the dashboard does not display individual student data. This information must be downloaded to review.

Downloading the Vevox Data Report

  1. When in your session in Vevox, click on Data in the left navigation.



  2. Click Download > Data report.



  3. Open the downloaded Excel file and go to the Polling Results sheet.

Interpreting the Vevox Data Report

The following image is the Polling Results sheet in the Vevox Data Report from a Vevox session titled Olympics. A few key features of this sheet are highlighted below.

  • Columns F and beyond give you information on the questions in your Vevox Session.

    • In particular, Row 4 identifies when each polling question was asked, or states “Not Polled” if the question was never opened to participants.

  • Rows 10 and beyond give you information on the participants.

    • If you chose to make this an Anonymous Vevox Session, you will not see any identifying information of participants here.

  • Starting in cell F10 and extending to the right and down, you can see the answer provided by each participant on each polling question.

    • A blank cell means that the participant did not answer that question.

    • A cell that is highlighted indicates the participant’s answer on a question that had a correct answer identified. It is highlighted Green if the participant was correct, and Red if they were incorrect.

    • A cell that is not empty but not highlighted means that this question did not have a correct answer identified.

  • Column D gives the total number of correct answers given by the student.

  • Column E gives the percentage of polling questions they got correct out of the polling questions they participated in rather than the total number of polling questions with correct answers asked. Therefore, it is recommended you do not use this percentage unless you have a unique use case.

Calculating a Correct Answers grade

  1. Use the information on which polling questions were opened to participants and whether these questions had correct answers identified to come up with a total number of polling questions with correct answers opened.

    • In the Olympics example above, 6 questions were asked, but only 5 of those questions had correct answers identified.

  2. For each student, you can then use the number of correctly answered question in Column D to calculate a grade out of the total number of questions with correct answers opened.

    • In the Olympics example above, Stephen’s grade would be 3/5.

Calculating a Participation grade

  1. Use the information on which polling questions were opened to participants to come up with a total number of polling questions opened.

    • In the Olympics example above, 6 questions were opened to participants.

  2. For each participant, count the number of nonempty cells in the columns corresponding to the polling questions opened.

    • In the Olympics example above, Stephen has 5 nonempty cells in the corresponding columns. Therefore, his grade would be 5/6.

Uploading grades to LEARN

If you have linked your Vevox Session to a LEARN course, the grades you have chosen to send back to LEARN from Vevox will sync automatically. Follow the steps below only if you have not set up such a connection.

The export from Vevox will not be in the correct format to upload to LEARN. Follow our instructions on import grades from an Excel file into LEARN, and adhere to the advice below during Step 1 of the linked instructions:

  • In the Vevox export, you are only given the emails of the students. To populate Column A in the file for LEARN, you will need to strip off “@uwaterloo.ca” from the emails to get the students' usernames.

  • Ensure the LEARN grade item to are going to import these grades to is out of the same value used in the calculations described above. Then in Column B, use the numerator of the grades from the calculations described above.

    • In the Olympics example above, let’s say the instructor is only interested in the participation grade. They would ensure before starting this process that the LEARN grade item they are creating for this participation grade is set to be out of 6; the grade entered in Column B for Stephen in the Excel file would then be 5.

Need help?

Contact LEARNhelp at learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca or 519-888-4567 ext. 41744 for assistance.

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