Assessing student work as an external assessor

Assessing student work as an external assessor

Accessing student work

To access the student's work for assessment, click on the link in the email you received and follow the login instructions found on the External assessor login page

Assessing student work

Assessors can add comments and/or feedback to student submissions. Comments and feedback can be added to a submission via the blue toolbar in the top right corner.

The first icon is the information icon provides details about the asset. The second icon is the comment icon. If you are adding comments (these are different than feedback) not related to the grading or feedback for the assignment, use this icon. If you are providing private feedback to the student, use the Feedback comments instead. Comments are visible to all users who have access to the asset.

The Feedback icon is the third one in the blue toolbar. This is where you can leave feedback and grades. Feedback and grades entered here are only visible to the student who created the asset.

Once you are done providing feedback and/or grades, save your comments and exit the asset.

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Contact pebblepadhelp@uwaterloo.ca for assistance.