Instructor Guides
Review a series of 30-minute presentations (Shared via PebblePad, the Learning Journey Platform. ) created by PebblePad introducing features in PebblePlus, ATLAS, PebblePocket and others.
Introduction to PebblePlus
Please see Introduction to PebblePlus (workshop). The topics include:
Uploading Files
Using PebblePad (in-built) Templates
Creating Custom Templates and Workbooks
Creating Pages and Portfolios
View a series of short videos (one-two minutes each) to see how PebblePad can support student learning. The topics include:
using PebblePad for tutorial/meeting preparation
designing research projects
flipped classroom
capturing skills development
and others.
Introduction to ATLAS
Please see Introduction to ATLAS (workshop). The topics include:
Introduction to ATLAS
Navigating ATLAS
Creating Auto-Submit Assignments
Creating Manual Submit Assignments
Setting up Resources for Manual submission and Auto-submission
Creating a Direct Link to a PebblePad Resource in LEARN
Grading and Feedback, and Viewing Grades and Feedback.
ATLAS--Providing feedback
Please see ATLAS- Providing Feedback (workshop). The topics include:
Creating a Rubric Feedback Template and Adding to a Workspace
Creating Feedback Statement Collections
Grading and Feedback, Viewing Grades and Feedback.
PebblePad Accessibility Overview
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