Virtual Classroom "Authentication is required" error

Virtual Classroom "Authentication is required" error


You have clicked on Virtual Classroom in LEARN and received an "Authentication is required" error.


The "Authentication is required" error is caused by the browser you are using. 

There are a few options to resolve this error. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. First, ensure you are using a supported browser. The most recent versions of Microsoft Edge Chromium, Firefox or Google Chrome are supported while Safari is not a supported browser and should not be used. 

  2. If you are not using one of the supported browsers switch to a supported browser to determine if this resolves your issue.

  3. If you are using a supported browser and still see the "Authentication is required" error it could be due to an addon or extension you have running in the browser. Try disabling all addons or extensions and if that doesn't resolve the issue try uninstalling and reinstalling the browser to resolve the issue.

  4. Adjusting cookie settings for individual browsers may also help resolve this issue, see https://bongolearn.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009855033-Browser-Cookie-Settings for more information on browser cookie settings.


Need Help?

Contact LEARNhelp at learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca or 519-888-4567 ext. x41744 for assistance.