Watching Request Tracker (RT) tickets that belong to someone else

Watching Request Tracker (RT) tickets that belong to someone else

It may be necessary to track RT tickets for someone while they are away from the office. The instructions below describe how to view and track these tickets.

RT search/dashboard

This option will show all tickets owned by a person (ltomalty is the example here) that are active, or that are resolved but have been updated in the last five days. 

Search menu to aid in watching a user's tickets. User can filter between different owners of the tickets, statuses, and last updated dates.

You could also paste the search under the 'Advanced' section of the Query Builder page, adjusting the date as appropriate:

  1. Log in to Request Tracker

  2. Click Search > Tickets > New Search

  3. Click Advanced link which is displayed in the top right corner

  4. Paste the following in the Query window (and adjust the owner and the date, as appropriate):

Status != 'rejected' AND (  ( Status = 'resolved' AND LastUpdated > '5 days ago' ) OR Status = '__Active__' ) AND Owner = 'ltomalty'

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