WebEx events - Updated

WebEx events - Updated

In this article:


WebEx Events (New) and WebEx Events (Classic) Comparison

A new version of WebEx Events is now available to users in addition to the classic version. WebEx Events (New) provides advanced features that are like those in WebEx Meetings and incorporates features from the classic WebEx Events as well.

To understand some key differences between WebEx Events (New) and WebEx Events (Classic) please refer to the comparison chart below:


WebEx Events (New)

WebEx Events (Classic)

Updated schedular



Schedule in different time zones



Enable automatic practice session



Enable automatic record



Live CC and transcript



HD video



Moderated mute






Attention tracking



Optimize share for motion and video



Post event survey



Custom registration page




In this document you will find an overview of the new version of WebEx Events. It’s recommended to begin the process of transitioning from WebEx Events (Classic) to WebEx Events (New). WebEx Events (New) is the version that WebEx will release updates for moving forward.

Scheduling a WebEx Event (New)

  1. Click the Meetings tab in the navigation menu on the left-hand side

    1. Users can also schedule events from the homepage by following the steps outlined below

  2. Click the down arrow beside the Schedule a meeting button

  3. From the dropdown menu, click Schedule an event

  4. On the scheduling page, adjust the settings explained below to meet your needs:

Basic Information:

  • Topic: Give the Event a title or topic name

  • Password: Set an Event password

  • Date and Time: Set the date and time of your event and indicate the estimated duration

  • Panelists: Enter the email addresses of the users you want to invite as panelists

  • Panelist password: Set a password that the panelists will use to enter the Event


Advanced options

Audio Connection Options:

  • Audio connection type: Select Use VoIP only from the drop-down menu (recommended)

  • Mute panelist: Choose muting settings that will apply to panelists

    • Check if you want to allow panelists to unmute themselves

    • Check if you want to mute panelists upon entry


  • Provide a summary of the event to give invitees an idea of what to expect from the session

Scheduling Options

  • Audience options: Check if you want attendees to sign in before joining the event

  • Automatic recording: Check if you want to automatically record the event when started

  • Practice session: Check if you want to enable an automatic practice session before the event

  • Join before host: Check if you want panelists to be able to join before the host and select how many minutes before the start time they can join

    • Note: Registration cannot be required with this setting enabled

  • Registration: Check if you want registration to be required

  • Email reminder: Indicate how many minutes before the event you want an email reminder sent

  • Event options: Select which options you want to allow panelists to have at the start of the event

5. Click Schedule to finalize all settings.

6. You will receive an email confirming the event and an email to forward to attendees to invite them to the event.

Reviewing and Editing Upcoming Events

Once scheduled, the event can be accessed in your Upcoming meetings list

Click the event you want to review, and you will be redirected to the page shown below. If you see a green join button, someone else is hosting this event. The green start button means that you are the host and can start the event by clicking the button.

  1. Left to right

    1. Edit: You can edit this event by clicking the pencil icon

    2. Cancel: You can delete the event by clicking the trash icon

  2. Click Manage registration to view the registration list, and accept or reject registrants

  3. Click Customize your event pages to edit the page users will see when they register for the event

  4. Click to the green Start Event button to begin the session


Inviting Attendees and Panelists

Once the event is scheduled, two emails will be sent to the host. One with event information and a link to start the event and another containing a link to invite attendees with.

Inviting Attendees

Attendees don’t need an account and do not present information. Event attendees are invited through the following methods:

  1. Forwarding the invitation email. Hosts can send the email received titled (Forward to attendee), which contains information for the attendee to join. If registration is required they will be prompted to register and then sent the joining information once registration is accepted.

  2. Hosts can also provide attendees with information found Event information so that they can join the event:


    1. Event link: Hosts can copy the event link and send it to attendees however they see fit. If there is no registration required, attendees will be prompted to join the meeting as soon as they click the event link.

    2. Register link: When registration is required, hosts will be provided with a register link to send to attendees. Attendees will receive an email with a join link once their registration is accepted.

    3. Event number: This number should be sent to anyone who will be joining by telephone.


Inviting Panelists

Panelists are assigned by the event host. Panelists can share content during the event. Panelists can be invited through the following methods:

  1. Assign panelist during scheduling: Hosts can enter the email address(es) to the users they want to add as panelists. The panelist will receive an email to join the event as a panelist. The Panelist password will be included in the email and users must enter this password to join the event as a panelist.

  2. Assign panelist after scheduling: Hosts can add panelists to pre-existing events by clicking the title of the event and adding the email address of the user in the Panelist section on the right-hand side.

View and Manage Registration for Events (New)

  1. Go to uwaterloo.webex.com and log in with your UW credentials

  2. Select Meetings in the navigation menu on the left-hand side

  3. Find the event in the upcoming meetings list and select the Registration button below the title


  4. You will be redirected to a Manage Registration page where you can view and manage pending, approved, and rejected requests.

  5. Click the check box beside each registrant and then click Accept or Reject.

  6. An email will be sent to accepted registrations with information to join the meeting. An email will also be sent to rejected registrants, informing them that they have been rejected.

  7. Hosts can also change the status of accepted or rejected registrants

    1. To accept a rejected registrant: Select the registrant in the Rejected or All list, then select Accept

    2. To reject an accepted registrant: Select the registrant in the Accepted or All list, then select Reject


Need help?

Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.

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