Request Tracker (RT) issue solver documentation - basic
For more advanced RT solver information, please see this article: Request Tracker (RT) issue solver documentation - Advanced
Included in this article:
- 1 RT roles/terminology and email generation
- 2 Logging in to Request Tracker
- 3 How to view tickets in your queue(s)
- 4 The Basics tab
- 5 How to assign a ticket to an owner
- 6 Moving tickets into another queue
- 7 Priorities
- 8 Working with Tickets
- 9 Replying and Commenting on requests
- 10 Resolving requests
- 11 View Requestor information
- 12 Using Internet Explorer 11
RT roles/terminology and email generation
Ticket | The terms ticket, request, RT, and REQ can be used interchangeably and refer to a record in the RT system |
Requestor | Requestor of a request/ticket This person will receive an email:
Owner | Owner of a request/ticket This person will receive an email:
Cc | Cc This person will receive an email:
Admin Cc of ticket (see also “Owner” role) | AdminCc of ticket The ticket ‘AdminCc’ role differs from the ticket ‘Owner’ role in these ways: ticket ‘AdminCc’s will not receive ticket reminders or feedback and the ticket status will not change from ‘new’ to ‘open’ if the ‘AdminCc’ replies on the ticket. This person will receive an email:
Admin Cc of queue | Admin CC of queue This person will receive an email:
Queue | Departments can request a queue to handle specific types of tasks. |
RTIR | Request Tracker for Incident Response (This is only used by the IST Security team) |
Logging in to Request Tracker
Type in and log in using your 8-character username (e.g. j25rober) and password
Initially, when you log on you will be on your RT at a glance page, which includes:
Quick Search which includes the Queue names and the status
10 highest priority tickets I own (or whatever number you choose)
10 newest unowned tickets (or whatever number you choose)
Tickets I requested
Quick ticket creation
You can customize this screen by clicking on Logged in as [username], Settings, then RT at a glance.
You may hide/show one section of the screen by clicking on the arrow to the left of the section title.
You may edit a section of the screen by clicking on the word Edit at the top right of the section.
How to view tickets in your queue(s)
In the Quick Search area, you will see the queue name and the queue status (New, Open or Stalled).
New indicates a ticket that has not been opened yet
Open indicates that the ticket is being worked on
Stalled indicates that the ticket has been opened but is not being worked on right now
The Basics tab
The Basics tab takes you to the Modify ticket window where you can update many ticket properties.
How to change ticket subject, status, queue and priority
From the ticket screen, click on the Basics near the top left.
From this screen you can change the:
Priority, and
Other fields such as Time Estimated/Worked/Left, Priority and any Custom Fields
How to assign a ticket to an owner
Click on a ticket subject to view the ticket
Click on the Basics tab or the People tab
Click on Owner and choose the issue solver that the ticket is being assigned to (screenshot is under The Basics tab)
Moving tickets into another queue